Automation Sampler

Automation Sampler: Interested in working with us but want to try us out first? Cross one of those time-saving, revenue-generating tasks off your list by turning it over to us.

The Automation Sampler is a flexible, affordable taster of what automation can do for your business. 

You want to get on with your business and do what you're good at. 

We want your systems to be on point, your data to be organized, and your client experience to be so good, they never want to leave. 

If you're not ready for a 6-month commitment, this is your chance for an Automation Coffee Date so we can get to know each other. 

So take that project that's been sitting on your 'should' list for too long and hand it over to us. 

Here's how: 

  1. Click the button and sign up (no payment necessary yet)
  2. Fill out the project form and tell us what we can do for you. 
  3. Answer the follow-up questions. 

You'll hear from us within 1 business day with an approval and invoice, clarifying questions, or a referral if it's not something in our wheelhouse. 

Then we get access information for your tools and get started. 

Within days, you get a finished project and documentation about what we did. 

Every project ends with an invitation to a 30-day free trial in our Automation Club membership where you can ask follow-up questions and continue getting support. 

If you decide you like leaving your systems to the experts, you can apply your project fee to your first month of Million Dollar Systems, our 6-month done-for-you marketing and systems automation retainer. 

💥 Ready to Take a Bite? 💥

When our client roster fills up, this offer will go away. Don't miss this chance to get expert Certified Automation Service Provider™ help without the monthly commitment. (Warning, you might get hooked) 

You know I don’t have ANY objections. Y’all. HIRE THIS WOMAN. Best money spent. The PEACE.

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